limit — Metaproxy Module for imposing resource limits
This filter offers a way to limit access for a single session to a resource (target) in order to obtain a fair resource sharing.
The limit section specifies bandwidth/pdu requests limits for an active session. The filter records bandwidth/pdu requests during the last 60 seconds (1 minute). The limit may include the elements bandwidth, pdu, retrieve and search. The bandwidth measures the number of bytes transferred within the last minute. The pdu is the number of requests in the last minute. The retrieve holds the maximum number of records which may be retrieved in one Present Request. The search is the maximum number of searches within the last minute.
# Metaproxy XML config file schemas
# Copyright (C) Index Data
# See the LICENSE file for details.
namespace mp = ""
filter_limit =
attribute type { "limit" },
element mp:limit {
attribute bandwidth { xsd:integer }?,
attribute pdu { xsd:integer }?,
attribute search { xsd:integer }?,
attribute retrieve { xsd:integer }?