YAZ  5.34.0
Go to the documentation of this file.
2 #include <stdlib.h>
3 #include <string.h>
4 #include "../include/libstemmer.h"
5 #include "../runtime/api.h"
6 #include "modules.h"
8 struct sb_stemmer {
9  struct SN_env * (*create)(void);
10  void (*close)(struct SN_env *);
11  int (*stem)(struct SN_env *);
13  struct SN_env * env;
14 };
16 extern const char **
18 {
19  return algorithm_names;
20 }
22 static stemmer_encoding_t
23 sb_getenc(const char * charenc)
24 {
25  struct stemmer_encoding * encoding;
26  if (charenc == NULL) return ENC_UTF_8;
27  for (encoding = encodings; encoding->name != 0; encoding++) {
28  if (strcmp(encoding->name, charenc) == 0) break;
29  }
30  if (encoding->name == NULL) return ENC_UNKNOWN;
31  return encoding->enc;
32 }
34 extern struct sb_stemmer *
35 sb_stemmer_new(const char * algorithm, const char * charenc)
36 {
38  struct stemmer_modules * module;
39  struct sb_stemmer * stemmer;
41  enc = sb_getenc(charenc);
42  if (enc == ENC_UNKNOWN) return NULL;
44  for (module = modules; module->name != 0; module++) {
45  if (strcmp(module->name, algorithm) == 0 && module->enc == enc) break;
46  }
47  if (module->name == NULL) return NULL;
49  stemmer = (struct sb_stemmer *) malloc(sizeof(struct sb_stemmer));
50  if (stemmer == NULL) return NULL;
52  stemmer->create = module->create;
53  stemmer->close = module->close;
54  stemmer->stem = module->stem;
56  stemmer->env = stemmer->create();
57  if (stemmer->env == NULL)
58  {
59  sb_stemmer_delete(stemmer);
60  return NULL;
61  }
63  return stemmer;
64 }
66 void
67 sb_stemmer_delete(struct sb_stemmer * stemmer)
68 {
69  if (stemmer == 0) return;
70  if (stemmer->close == 0) return;
71  stemmer->close(stemmer->env);
72  stemmer->close = 0;
73  free(stemmer);
74 }
76 const sb_symbol *
77 sb_stemmer_stem(struct sb_stemmer * stemmer, const sb_symbol * word, int size)
78 {
79  int ret;
80  if (SN_set_current(stemmer->env, size, (const symbol *)(word)))
81  {
82  stemmer->env->l = 0;
83  return NULL;
84  }
85  ret = stemmer->stem(stemmer->env);
86  if (ret < 0) return NULL;
87  stemmer->env->p[stemmer->env->l] = 0;
88  return (const sb_symbol *)(stemmer->env->p);
89 }
91 int
92 sb_stemmer_length(struct sb_stemmer * stemmer)
93 {
94  return stemmer->env->l;
95 }
int SN_set_current(struct SN_env *z, int size, const symbol *s)
Definition: api.c:60
unsigned char symbol
Definition: api.h:2
void * malloc(YYSIZE_T)
void free(void *)
int sb_stemmer_length(struct sb_stemmer *stemmer)
Definition: libstemmer.c:92
static stemmer_encoding_t sb_getenc(const char *charenc)
Definition: libstemmer.c:23
struct sb_stemmer * sb_stemmer_new(const char *algorithm, const char *charenc)
Definition: libstemmer.c:35
const sb_symbol * sb_stemmer_stem(struct sb_stemmer *stemmer, const sb_symbol *word, int size)
Definition: libstemmer.c:77
void sb_stemmer_delete(struct sb_stemmer *stemmer)
Definition: libstemmer.c:67
const char ** sb_stemmer_list(void)
Definition: libstemmer.c:17
unsigned char sb_symbol
Definition: libstemmer.h:7
static struct stemmer_modules modules[]
Definition: modules.h:83
Definition: modules.h:53
Definition: modules.h:58
Definition: modules.h:54
static struct stemmer_encoding encodings[]
Definition: modules.h:65
static const char * algorithm_names[]
Definition: modules.h:204
Definition: api.h:14
symbol * p
Definition: api.h:15
int l
Definition: api.h:16
void(* close)(struct SN_env *)
Definition: libstemmer.c:10
struct SN_env * env
Definition: libstemmer.c:13
int(* stem)(struct SN_env *)
Definition: libstemmer.c:11
struct SN_env *(* create)(void)
Definition: libstemmer.c:9
const char * name
Definition: modules.h:62
stemmer_encoding_t enc
Definition: modules.h:63
struct SN_env *(* create)(void)
Definition: modules.h:79
const char * name
Definition: modules.h:77
void(* close)(struct SN_env *)
Definition: modules.h:80
int(* stem)(struct SN_env *)
Definition: modules.h:81
stemmer_encoding_t enc
Definition: modules.h:78