IDZEBRA  2.2.7
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /* This file is part of the Zebra server.
2  Copyright (C) Index Data
4 Zebra is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
5 the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
6 Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
7 version.
9 Zebra is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
10 WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
11 FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License
12 for more details.
14 You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
15 along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
16 Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
18 */
36 #include <config.h>
37 #endif
38 #include <assert.h>
39 #include <stdio.h>
40 #include <stdlib.h>
41 #include <string.h>
43 #include <idzebra/util.h>
44 #include <idzebra/isamc.h>
45 #include <rset.h>
47 static RSFD r_open_and(RSET ct, int flag);
48 static RSFD r_open_or(RSET ct, int flag);
49 static void r_close(RSFD rfd);
50 static void r_delete(RSET ct);
51 static int r_read_and(RSFD rfd, void *buf, TERMID *term);
52 static int r_read_or(RSFD rfd, void *buf, TERMID *term);
53 static int r_forward_and(RSFD rfd, void *buf, TERMID *term,
54  const void *untilbuf);
55 static int r_forward_or(RSFD rfd, void *buf, TERMID *term,
56  const void *untilbuf);
57 static void r_pos_and(RSFD rfd, double *current, double *total);
58 static void r_pos_or(RSFD rfd, double *current, double *total);
59 static void r_get_terms(RSET ct, TERMID *terms, int maxterms, int *curterm);
61 static const struct rset_control control_or =
62 {
63  "multi-or",
64  r_delete,
66  r_open_or,
67  r_close,
69  r_pos_or,
70  r_read_or,
72 };
74 static const struct rset_control control_and =
75 {
76  "multi-and",
77  r_delete,
79  r_open_and,
80  r_close,
82  r_pos_and,
83  r_read_and,
85 };
87 /* The heap structure:
88  * The rset contains a list or rsets we are ORing together
89  * The rfd contains a heap of heap-items, which contain
90  * a rfd opened to those rsets, and a buffer for one key.
91  * They also contain a ptr to the rset list in the rset
92  * itself, for practical reasons.
93  */
95 struct heap_item {
97  void *buf;
100 };
102 struct heap {
103  int heapnum;
104  int heapmax;
105  const struct rset_key_control *kctrl;
106  struct heap_item **heap; /* ptrs to the rfd */
107 };
108 typedef struct heap *HEAP;
111 struct rset_private {
112  int dummy;
113 };
115 struct rfd_private {
116  int flag;
117  struct heap_item *items; /* we alloc and free them here */
118  HEAP h; /* and move around here */
119  zint hits; /* returned so far */
120  int eof; /* seen the end of it */
121  int tailcount; /* how many items are tailing */
123  int skip;
124  char *tailbits;
125 };
127 static int log_level = 0;
128 static int log_level_initialized = 0;
130 /* Heap functions ***********************/
132 static void heap_swap(HEAP h, int x, int y)
133 {
134  struct heap_item *swap;
135  swap = h->heap[x];
136  h->heap[x] = h->heap[y];
137  h->heap[y] = swap;
138 }
140 static int heap_cmp(HEAP h, int x, int y)
141 {
142  return (*h->kctrl->cmp)(h->heap[x]->buf, h->heap[y]->buf);
143 }
145 static int heap_empty(HEAP h)
146 {
147  return 0 == h->heapnum;
148 }
152 static void heap_delete(HEAP h)
153 {
154  int cur = 1, child = 2;
155  h->heap[1] = 0; /* been deleted */
156  heap_swap(h, 1, h->heapnum--);
157  while (child <= h->heapnum)
158  {
159  if (child < h->heapnum && heap_cmp(h, child, 1 + child) > 0)
160  child++;
161  if (heap_cmp(h,cur,child) > 0)
162  {
163  heap_swap(h, cur, child);
164  cur = child;
165  child = 2*cur;
166  }
167  else
168  break;
169  }
170 }
176 static void heap_balance(HEAP h)
177 {
178  int cur = 1, child = 2;
179  while (child <= h->heapnum)
180  {
181  if (child < h->heapnum && heap_cmp(h, child, 1 + child) > 0)
182  child++;
183  if (heap_cmp(h,cur,child) > 0)
184  {
185  heap_swap(h, cur, child);
186  cur = child;
187  child = 2*cur;
188  }
189  else
190  break;
191  }
192 }
194 static void heap_insert(HEAP h, struct heap_item *hi)
195 {
196  int cur, parent;
198  cur = ++(h->heapnum);
199  assert(cur <= h->heapmax);
200  h->heap[cur] = hi;
201  parent = cur/2;
202  while (parent && (heap_cmp(h,parent,cur) > 0))
203  {
204  assert(parent>0);
205  heap_swap(h, cur, parent);
206  cur = parent;
207  parent = cur/2;
208  }
209 }
211 static
212 HEAP heap_create(NMEM nmem, int size, const struct rset_key_control *kctrl)
213 {
214  HEAP h = (HEAP) nmem_malloc(nmem, sizeof(*h));
216  ++size; /* heap array starts at 1 */
217  h->heapnum = 0;
218  h->heapmax = size;
219  h->kctrl = kctrl;
220  h->heap = (struct heap_item**) nmem_malloc(nmem, size * sizeof(*h->heap));
221  h->heap[0] = 0; /* not used */
222  return h;
223 }
225 static void heap_clear( HEAP h)
226 {
227  assert(h);
228  h->heapnum = 0;
229 }
231 static void heap_destroy(HEAP h)
232 {
233  /* nothing to delete, all is nmem'd, and will go away in due time */
234 }
240 int compare_ands(const void *x, const void *y)
241 { const struct heap_item *hx = x;
242  const struct heap_item *hy = y;
243  double cur, totx, toty;
244  rset_pos(hx->fd, &cur, &totx);
245  rset_pos(hy->fd, &cur, &toty);
246  if (totx > toty + 0.5)
247  return 1;
248  if (totx < toty - 0.5)
249  return -1;
250  return 0; /* return totx - toty, except for overflows and rounding */
251 }
253 static RSET rsmulti_andor_create(NMEM nmem,
254  struct rset_key_control *kcontrol,
255  int scope, TERMID termid,
256  int no_rsets, RSET* rsets,
257  const struct rset_control *ctrl)
258 {
259  RSET rnew = rset_create_base(ctrl, nmem, kcontrol, scope, termid,
260  no_rsets, rsets);
261  struct rset_private *info;
263  {
264  log_level = yaz_log_module_level("rsmultiandor");
266  }
267  yaz_log(log_level, "rsmultiand_andor_create scope=%d", scope);
268  info = (struct rset_private *) nmem_malloc(rnew->nmem, sizeof(*info));
269  rnew->priv = info;
270  return rnew;
271 }
273 RSET rset_create_or(NMEM nmem, struct rset_key_control *kcontrol,
274  int scope, TERMID termid, int no_rsets, RSET* rsets)
275 {
276  return rsmulti_andor_create(nmem, kcontrol, scope, termid,
277  no_rsets, rsets, &control_or);
278 }
280 RSET rset_create_and(NMEM nmem, struct rset_key_control *kcontrol,
281  int scope, int no_rsets, RSET* rsets)
282 {
283  return rsmulti_andor_create(nmem, kcontrol, scope, 0,
284  no_rsets, rsets, &control_and);
285 }
287 static void r_delete(RSET ct)
288 {
289 }
291 static RSFD r_open_andor(RSET ct, int flag, int is_and)
292 {
293  RSFD rfd;
294  struct rfd_private *p;
295  const struct rset_key_control *kctrl = ct->keycontrol;
296  int i;
298  if (flag & RSETF_WRITE)
299  {
300  yaz_log(YLOG_FATAL, "multiandor set type is read-only");
301  return NULL;
302  }
303  rfd = rfd_create_base(ct);
304  if (rfd->priv)
305  {
306  p = (struct rfd_private *)rfd->priv;
307  if (!is_and)
308  heap_clear(p->h);
309  assert(p->items);
310  /* all other pointers shouls already be allocated, in right sizes! */
311  }
312  else
313  {
314  p = (struct rfd_private *) nmem_malloc(ct->nmem,sizeof(*p));
315  rfd->priv = p;
316  p->h = 0;
317  p->tailbits = 0;
318  if (is_and)
319  p->tailbits = nmem_malloc(ct->nmem, ct->no_children*sizeof(char) );
320  else
321  p->h = heap_create(ct->nmem, ct->no_children, kctrl);
322  p->items = (struct heap_item *)
323  nmem_malloc(ct->nmem, ct->no_children*sizeof(*p->items));
324  for (i = 0; i < ct->no_children; i++)
325  {
326  p->items[i].rset = ct->children[i];
327  p->items[i].buf = nmem_malloc(ct->nmem, kctrl->key_size);
328  }
329  }
330  p->flag = flag;
331  p->hits = 0;
332  p->eof = 0;
333  p->tailcount = 0;
334  if (is_and)
335  { /* read the array and sort it */
336  for (i = 0; i < ct->no_children; i++)
337  {
338  p->items[i].fd = rset_open(ct->children[i], RSETF_READ);
339  if (!rset_read(p->items[i].fd, p->items[i].buf, &p->items[i].term))
340  p->eof = 1;
341  p->tailbits[i] = 0;
342  }
343  qsort(p->items, ct->no_children, sizeof(p->items[0]), compare_ands);
344  }
345  else
346  { /* fill the heap for ORing */
347  for (i = 0; i < ct->no_children; i++)
348  {
349  p->items[i].fd = rset_open(ct->children[i],RSETF_READ);
350  if ( rset_read(p->items[i].fd, p->items[i].buf, &p->items[i].term))
351  heap_insert(p->h, &(p->items[i]));
352  }
353  }
354  return rfd;
355 }
357 static RSFD r_open_or(RSET ct, int flag)
358 {
359  return r_open_andor(ct, flag, 0);
360 }
362 static RSFD r_open_and(RSET ct, int flag)
363 {
364  return r_open_andor(ct, flag, 1);
365 }
367 static void r_close(RSFD rfd)
368 {
369  struct rfd_private *p=(struct rfd_private *)(rfd->priv);
370  int i;
372  if (p->h)
373  heap_destroy(p->h);
374  for (i = 0; i < rfd->rset->no_children; i++)
375  if (p->items[i].fd)
376  rset_close(p->items[i].fd);
377 }
379 static int r_forward_or(RSFD rfd, void *buf,
380  TERMID *term, const void *untilbuf)
381 { /* while heap head behind untilbuf, forward it and rebalance heap */
382  struct rfd_private *p = rfd->priv;
383  const struct rset_key_control *kctrl = rfd->rset->keycontrol;
384  if (heap_empty(p->h))
385  return 0;
386  while ((*kctrl->cmp)(p->h->heap[1]->buf,untilbuf) < -rfd->rset->scope )
387  {
388  if (rset_forward(p->h->heap[1]->fd, p->h->heap[1]->buf,
389  &p->h->heap[1]->term, untilbuf))
390  heap_balance(p->h);
391  else
392  {
393  heap_delete(p->h);
394  if (heap_empty(p->h))
395  return 0;
396  }
398  }
399  return r_read_or(rfd, buf, term);
400 }
409 static int r_read_or(RSFD rfd, void *buf, TERMID *term)
410 {
411  RSET rset = rfd->rset;
412  struct rfd_private *mrfd = rfd->priv;
413  const struct rset_key_control *kctrl = rset->keycontrol;
414  struct heap_item *it;
415  int rdres;
416  if (heap_empty(mrfd->h))
417  return 0;
418  it = mrfd->h->heap[1];
419  memcpy(buf, it->buf, kctrl->key_size);
420  if (term)
421  {
422  if (rset->term)
423  *term = rset->term;
424  else
425  *term = it->term;
426  }
427  (mrfd->hits)++;
428  rdres = rset_read(it->fd, it->buf, &it->term);
429  if (rdres)
430  heap_balance(mrfd->h);
431  else
432  heap_delete(mrfd->h);
433  return 1;
434 }
452 static int r_read_and(RSFD rfd, void *buf, TERMID *term)
453 {
454  struct rfd_private *p = rfd->priv;
455  RSET ct = rfd->rset;
456  const struct rset_key_control *kctrl = ct->keycontrol;
457  int i;
459  while (1)
460  {
461  if (p->tailcount)
462  { /* we are tailing, find lowest tail and return it */
463  int mintail = -1;
464  int cmp;
466  for (i = 0; i < ct->no_children; i++)
467  {
468  if (p->tailbits[i])
469  {
470  if (mintail >= 0)
471  cmp = (*kctrl->cmp)
472  (p->items[i].buf, p->items[mintail].buf);
473  else
474  cmp = -1;
475  if (cmp < 0)
476  mintail = i;
478  if (kctrl->get_segment)
479  { /* segments enabled */
480  zint segment = kctrl->get_segment(p->items[i].buf);
481  /* store segment if not stored already */
482  if (!p->segment && segment)
483  p->segment = segment;
485  /* skip rest entirely if segments don't match */
486  if (p->segment && segment && p->segment != segment)
487  p->skip = 1;
488  }
489  }
490  }
491  /* return the lowest tail */
492  memcpy(buf, p->items[mintail].buf, kctrl->key_size);
493  if (term)
494  *term = p->items[mintail].term;
495  if (!rset_read(p->items[mintail].fd, p->items[mintail].buf,
496  &p->items[mintail].term))
497  {
498  p->eof = 1; /* game over, once tails have been returned */
499  p->tailbits[mintail] = 0;
500  (p->tailcount)--;
501  }
502  else
503  {
504  /* still a tail? */
505  cmp = (*kctrl->cmp)(p->items[mintail].buf,buf);
506  if (cmp >= rfd->rset->scope)
507  {
508  p->tailbits[mintail] = 0;
509  (p->tailcount)--;
510  }
511  }
512  if (p->skip)
513  continue; /* skip again.. eventually tailcount will be 0 */
514  if (p->tailcount == 0)
515  (p->hits)++;
516  return 1;
517  }
518  /* not tailing, forward until all records match, and set up */
519  /* as tails. the earlier 'if' will then return the hits */
520  if (p->eof)
521  return 0; /* nothing more to see */
522  i = 1; /* assume items[0] is highest up */
523  while (i < ct->no_children)
524  {
525  int cmp = (*kctrl->cmp)(p->items[0].buf, p->items[i].buf);
526  if (cmp <= -rfd->rset->scope) { /* [0] was behind, forward it */
527  if (!rset_forward(p->items[0].fd, p->items[0].buf,
528  &p->items[0].term, p->items[i].buf))
529  {
530  p->eof = 1; /* game over */
531  return 0;
532  }
533  i = 0; /* start forwarding from scratch */
534  }
535  else if (cmp >= rfd->rset->scope)
536  { /* [0] was ahead, forward i */
537  if (!rset_forward(p->items[i].fd, p->items[i].buf,
538  &p->items[i].term, p->items[0].buf))
539  {
540  p->eof = 1; /* game over */
541  return 0;
542  }
543  }
544  else
545  i++;
546  } /* while i */
547  /* if we get this far, all rsets are now within +- scope of [0] */
548  /* ergo, we have a hit. Mark them all as tailing, and let the */
549  /* upper 'if' return the hits in right order */
550  for (i = 0; i < ct->no_children; i++)
551  p->tailbits[i] = 1;
552  p->tailcount = ct->no_children;
553  p->segment = 0;
554  p->skip = 0;
555  } /* while 1 */
556 }
559 static int r_forward_and(RSFD rfd, void *buf, TERMID *term,
560  const void *untilbuf)
561 {
562  struct rfd_private *p = rfd->priv;
563  RSET ct = rfd->rset;
564  const struct rset_key_control *kctrl = ct->keycontrol;
565  int i;
566  int cmp;
567  int killtail = 0;
569  for (i = 0; i < ct->no_children; i++)
570  {
571  cmp = (*kctrl->cmp)(p->items[i].buf,untilbuf);
572  if (cmp <= -rfd->rset->scope)
573  {
574  killtail = 1; /* we are moving to a different hit */
575  if (!rset_forward(p->items[i].fd, p->items[i].buf,
576  &p->items[i].term, untilbuf))
577  {
578  p->eof = 1; /* game over */
579  p->tailcount = 0;
580  return 0;
581  }
582  }
583  }
584  if (killtail)
585  {
586  for (i = 0; i < ct->no_children; i++)
587  p->tailbits[i] = 0;
588  p->tailcount = 0;
589  }
590  return r_read_and(rfd,buf,term);
591 }
593 static void r_pos_x(RSFD rfd, double *current, double *total, int and_op)
594 {
595  RSET ct = rfd->rset;
596  struct rfd_private *mrfd = (struct rfd_private *)(rfd->priv);
597  double ratio = and_op ? 0.0 : 1.0;
598  int i;
599  double sum_cur = 0.0;
600  double sum_tot = 0.0;
601  for (i = 0; i < ct->no_children; i++)
602  {
603  double cur, tot;
604  rset_pos(mrfd->items[i].fd, &cur, &tot);
605  if (i < 100)
606  yaz_log(log_level, "r_pos: %d %0.1f %0.1f", i, cur,tot);
607  if (and_op)
608  {
609  if (tot > 0.0)
610  {
611  double nratio = cur / tot;
612  if (nratio > ratio)
613  ratio = nratio;
614  }
615  }
616  else
617  {
618  if (cur > 0)
619  sum_cur += (cur - 1);
620  sum_tot += tot;
621  }
622  }
623  if (!and_op && sum_tot > 0.0)
624  {
625  yaz_log(YLOG_LOG, "or op sum_cur=%0.1f sum_tot=%0.1f hits=%f", sum_cur, sum_tot, (double) mrfd->hits);
626  ratio = sum_cur / sum_tot;
627  }
628  if (ratio == 0.0 || ratio == 1.0)
629  { /* nothing there */
630  *current = 0;
631  *total = 0;
632  yaz_log(log_level, "r_pos: NULL %0.1f %0.1f", *current, *total);
633  }
634  else
635  {
636  *current = (double) (mrfd->hits);
637  *total = *current / ratio;
638  yaz_log(log_level, "r_pos: = %0.1f %0.1f", *current, *total);
639  }
640 }
642 static void r_pos_and(RSFD rfd, double *current, double *total)
643 {
644  r_pos_x(rfd, current, total, 1);
645 }
647 static void r_pos_or(RSFD rfd, double *current, double *total)
648 {
649  r_pos_x(rfd, current, total, 0);
650 }
652 static void r_get_terms(RSET ct, TERMID *terms, int maxterms, int *curterm)
653 {
654  if (ct->term)
655  rset_get_one_term(ct, terms, maxterms, curterm);
656  else
657  {
658  /* Special case: Some multi-ors have all terms pointing to the same
659  term. We do not want to duplicate those. Other multiors (and ands)
660  have different terms under them. Those we want.
661  */
662  int firstterm = *curterm;
663  int i;
664  for (i = 0; i < ct->no_children; i++)
665  {
666  rset_getterms(ct->children[i], terms, maxterms, curterm);
667  if (*curterm > firstterm + 1 && *curterm <= maxterms &&
668  terms[(*curterm) - 1] == terms[firstterm])
669  (*curterm)--; /* forget the term, seen that before */
670  }
671  }
672 }
675 /*
676  * Local variables:
677  * c-basic-offset: 4
678  * c-file-style: "Stroustrup"
679  * indent-tabs-mode: nil
680  * End:
681  * vim: shiftwidth=4 tabstop=8 expandtab
682  */
RSET rset_create_base(const struct rset_control *sel, NMEM nmem, struct rset_key_control *kcontrol, int scope, TERMID term, int no_children, RSET *children)
Common constuctor for RSETs.
Definition: rset.c:164
#define rset_read(rfd, buf, term)
Definition: rset.h:217
Definition: rset.h:200
int rset_no_write(RSFD rfd, const void *buf)
Definition: rset.c:431
RSFD rfd_create_base(RSET rs)
Common constuctor for RFDs.
Definition: rset.c:43
#define RSETF_READ
Definition: rset.h:199
void rset_get_one_term(RSET ct, TERMID *terms, int maxterms, int *curterm)
is a getterms function for those that don't have any
Definition: rset.c:291
#define rset_getterms(ct, terms, maxterms, curterm)
Definition: rset.h:209
#define rset_pos(rfd, cur, tot)
Definition: rset.h:213
#define rset_open(rs, wflag)
Definition: rset.h:202
void rset_close(RSFD rfd)
Closes a result set RFD handle.
Definition: rset.c:98
#define rset_forward(rfd, buf, term, untilbuf)
Definition: rset.h:205
static void r_pos_and(RSFD rfd, double *current, double *total)
Definition: rsmultiandor.c:642
static RSET rsmulti_andor_create(NMEM nmem, struct rset_key_control *kcontrol, int scope, TERMID termid, int no_rsets, RSET *rsets, const struct rset_control *ctrl)
Definition: rsmultiandor.c:253
int compare_ands(const void *x, const void *y)
compare and items for quicksort used in qsort to get the multi-and args in optimal order that is,...
Definition: rsmultiandor.c:240
RSET rset_create_or(NMEM nmem, struct rset_key_control *kcontrol, int scope, TERMID termid, int no_rsets, RSET *rsets)
Definition: rsmultiandor.c:273
static int r_forward_and(RSFD rfd, void *buf, TERMID *term, const void *untilbuf)
Definition: rsmultiandor.c:559
RSET rset_create_and(NMEM nmem, struct rset_key_control *kcontrol, int scope, int no_rsets, RSET *rsets)
Definition: rsmultiandor.c:280
static RSFD r_open_andor(RSET ct, int flag, int is_and)
Definition: rsmultiandor.c:291
static RSFD r_open_or(RSET ct, int flag)
Definition: rsmultiandor.c:357
static int heap_cmp(HEAP h, int x, int y)
Definition: rsmultiandor.c:140
static void heap_clear(HEAP h)
Definition: rsmultiandor.c:225
static int r_forward_or(RSFD rfd, void *buf, TERMID *term, const void *untilbuf)
Definition: rsmultiandor.c:379
static const struct rset_control control_or
Definition: rsmultiandor.c:61
static void r_get_terms(RSET ct, TERMID *terms, int maxterms, int *curterm)
Definition: rsmultiandor.c:652
static RSFD r_open_and(RSET ct, int flag)
Definition: rsmultiandor.c:362
static void r_delete(RSET ct)
Definition: rsmultiandor.c:287
static void heap_swap(HEAP h, int x, int y)
Definition: rsmultiandor.c:132
static int heap_empty(HEAP h)
Definition: rsmultiandor.c:145
static void r_pos_x(RSFD rfd, double *current, double *total, int and_op)
Definition: rsmultiandor.c:593
static int r_read_and(RSFD rfd, void *buf, TERMID *term)
reads one item key from an 'and' set
Definition: rsmultiandor.c:452
static const struct rset_control control_and
Definition: rsmultiandor.c:74
static int r_read_or(RSFD rfd, void *buf, TERMID *term)
reads one item key from an 'or' set
Definition: rsmultiandor.c:409
static int log_level
Definition: rsmultiandor.c:127
static void heap_destroy(HEAP h)
Definition: rsmultiandor.c:231
static void r_pos_or(RSFD rfd, double *current, double *total)
Definition: rsmultiandor.c:647
static void heap_balance(HEAP h)
puts item into heap. The heap root element has changed value (to bigger) Swap downwards until the hea...
Definition: rsmultiandor.c:176
static void heap_insert(HEAP h, struct heap_item *hi)
Definition: rsmultiandor.c:194
static HEAP heap_create(NMEM nmem, int size, const struct rset_key_control *kctrl)
Definition: rsmultiandor.c:212
struct heap * HEAP
Definition: rsmultiandor.c:108
static int log_level_initialized
Definition: rsmultiandor.c:128
static void heap_delete(HEAP h)
deletes the first item in the heap, and balances the rest
Definition: rsmultiandor.c:152
static void r_close(RSFD rfd)
Definition: rsmultiandor.c:367
Definition: rsmultiandor.c:99
void * buf
Definition: rsmultiandor.c:97
struct heap_item ** heap
Definition: rsmultiandor.c:106
int heapmax
Definition: rsmultiandor.c:104
int heapnum
Definition: rsmultiandor.c:103
const struct rset_key_control * kctrl
Definition: rsmultiandor.c:105
zint hits
Definition: rsbool.c:62
zint cur
Definition: rstemp.c:80
void * buf
Definition: rsisamb.c:65
char * tailbits
Definition: rsmultiandor.c:124
struct heap_item * items
Definition: rsmultiandor.c:117
int(* cmp)(const void *p1, const void *p2)
Definition: rset.h:131
int key_size
Definition: rset.h:128
zint(* get_segment)(const void *p)
Definition: rset.h:134
Definition: rset.h:50
Definition: rset.h:151
Definition: rset.h:160
RSET * children
Definition: rset.h:162
NMEM nmem
Definition: rset.h:156
struct rset_key_control * keycontrol
Definition: rset.h:153
int scope
Definition: rset.h:159
int no_children
Definition: rset.h:161
void * priv
Definition: rset.h:155
Definition: rset.h:73
void * priv
Definition: rset.h:75
RSET rset
Definition: rset.h:74
const char * scope
Definition: tstlockscope.c:40
long zint
Zebra integer.
Definition: util.h:66