Chapter 2. Installation

Table of Contents

1. Installing packages
2. Installing from source
3. Configuration
4. Using the service

MP-SPARQL is available as packages for CentOS/RHEL and most recent Ubuntu/Debian versions. For other systems, the module must be built from source.

1. Installing packages

You need to enable the relevant software repositories. For setting up, refer to one of: CentOS 5, CentOS 6 , CentOS 7 , Ubuntu and Debian

The package is called mp-sparql on RHEL/Debian systems. Install that package, and then you are ready to use filter "sparql" in your setup.

mp-sparql depends on a number of packages created by Index Data and system-provided ones, such as Libxml2. For external software Zorba, no system package exists, so Index Data has packaged that separately. This package is called idzorba. All these dependencies should be automatically installed when the Index Data software repository is set up.